Looking for Monster Themed books for speech therapy? Look no further! There are so many fun and engaging activities that you can do using books with your preschool and early elementary students.
Monsters is a fun and versatile theme to use during October and the weeks after Halloween. with your preschool and kindergarten students.
Keep reading for a MASSIVE list of Monster Books that your students are going to love!
These are my FAVORITE books for a Monster Themed Speech Therapy session! They are engaging and playful - a must for books for preschoolers. You can listen to them on YouTube (just search the book tittle) or purchase at a local book store! For more information on how to use books in Speech Therapy, check out this blog.

10 creepy monsters
A monster is eating this book
Brave Little Monster
Color Monster
Don’t play with your food
Don’t push the button
Eat Pete
Go away big green monster
Hey! That’s my monster
How I met my monster
How to catch a monster
I need my monster
Icky sticky monster
If you’re a monster and you know it it
If your monster won’t go to bed
Is that you, monster
Leonardo the terrible monster
Little Shop of Monsters
Love monster
Monster at the end of this book
Monster boogie
Monster party
Monster Trouble
Monsters don’t eat broccoli
Monsters love underpants
My monster mommy
Perfect little monster
Shake a Leg
The big red rock
The Gruffalo
The little old lady who wasn’t afraid of anything
The monster Mac and cheese party
There was an old monster
Tickle monster
Where the wild things are
I hope this list helps you plan some fun and easy speech therapy sessions!
If you want more Monster Themed Therapy ideas, check out this blog! I share games, toys, and other fun activities you can do with your preschoolers!
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