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How to use Songs in Speech Therapy

Wondering how to use songs in speech therapy? Music and songs are a perfect way to keep babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and even early elementary students engaged and learning.

Using music is one of my favourite early intervention speech therapy activities that can be done in clinic, in schools, and at home. BONUS: it is such an easy speech therapy homework activity because parents and families can listen to music in the car, while making supper, at home - ANYTIME!

Of course, music and songs aren't just for toddlers. Kids (and adults) of all ages love music. Make sure to pick music that is motivating to your students to ensure they are engaged and having fun (e.g. theme songs to their favorite shows, songs about holidays coming up, songs with lots of movement).

Here are some easy ways to use music to build speech and language skills:

1) EARLY INTERVETION STRATEGY: After singing a few times, pause and allow the child to fill in the blank. This is a great way to use your Early Intervention strategy of waiting and pausing! The repetitive verses in songs lends themselves so nicely to this strategy - making it such a natural way to elicit language.

2) ANY AGE: DANCE! Use as a movement break or to work on verbs and verb tenses.

3) FINGERPLAYS: Pair with props (finger puppets or toy animals or paper characters will work) an act out the songs. Take turns acting them out. Some of my favourites are Five Speckled Frogs and Old McDonald.

4) FREEZE DANCE: Freeze the music and stop dancing. A great way to work on winning + losing, following directions, and if/then statements. Also a perfect activity for groups!

5) SPEECH SOUNDS: Choose a song that has the target sound. Encourage your student to sing along and use their correct speech sounds.

I hope you find these quick and easy activities helpful!

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